Okay so this isn't exactly studio related but it involves me, and without me there is no studio much less no blog.. So last friday my cheap & cheerful runabout became a write-off thanks to 8 or so highway cable barriers. That and an anonymous fool who cut me off (thus causing the crash) the strange thing is however, I could care less for the person - not even malice. I never got their plate I was too busy dealing with a sliding front wheel drive car at 100km/h and it dawned on me at the time that my potential last word on this earth was a measley four letter explitive. No, not fuck even, but shit..
Now I, as I imagine everyone else, would like to meet the pearly gates whilst riding a flaming rocket, chasing a tiger, going backwards. But if I can't have that then the very least it should be original. Guess I should look on the bright side (for once) and see this as an opportunity to have some sort of immortality complex..
"I am invincible!"
More on topic posts later today..