Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Okay so this isn't exactly studio related but it involves me, and without me there is no studio much less no blog.. So last friday my cheap & cheerful runabout became a write-off thanks to 8 or so highway cable barriers. That and an anonymous fool who cut me off (thus causing the crash) the strange thing is however, I could care less for the person - not even malice. I never got their plate I was too busy dealing with a sliding front wheel drive car at 100km/h and it dawned on me at the time that my potential last word on this earth was a measley four letter explitive. No, not fuck even, but shit..

Now I, as I imagine everyone else, would like to meet the pearly gates whilst riding a flaming rocket, chasing a tiger, going backwards. But if I can't have that then the very least it should be original. Guess I should look on the bright side (for once) and see this as an opportunity to have some sort of immortality complex..

"I am invincible!"

More on topic posts later today..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So Far So Good, So What...

The back corner

Here is the "Smut Cupboard" pre-demolition

No, it wasn't an accident it was carpet glue honest..

These are the true face of evil


The studio is finally getting some much needed T.L.C. renovation-style... For today the builders have arrived. Someone might call me out right here for being too weak and girly to do the job myself. This is true but I've spent the last week ripping up carpet, avoiding tetanus and finding unsavoury reading material buried beneath to pass the torch on instead.

Trades are like drunk children - they need guidance. And by guidance I mean direction and by direction I mean you must tell them exactly what you want, especially when the job is difficult & finnicky.
I find that most of them come from the School of Least Resistance -which is fine if I was to build a box like the one Alec Guiness lived in à la Bridge Over The River Kwai but this recording studio of mine is actually intended for human beings.

Don't get me wrong either, I have every faith in their building/demolishing abilities and none in mine. I barely know what a stud or a nog is (studs was a bad 90s dating show FYI) but if I'm the client and I'm the one paying the bills can't we just do it my fucking way!? It's not like I want the walls to bend and squiggle at arbitrary lengths .. all I want is for the studio to be the way I want it, and if that costs more fine.

Enough ranting, time for some cell phone goodness.

*I'll get round to taking prettier pictures with a prettier camera when I get the chance.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

And so it begins..

Day one. Sort of, I'm a little behind on this blog malarchy so for the purposes of brevity I'll make today 'day one' - even though I've been at it a week now.

Lessons I've learnt so far:

1. When you move house remember to take all items of smut with you, that includes items hiding under the carpet which new owners may find when building a recording studio. Yes I'm talking to you Dave...

2. There are too many people in the world... scratch that, there are too many people in the world with Blogspot accounts and blogspot addresses that go with those accounts. Google­ it's time to purge! (ew).

Here's a picture of the original design for those who can't read good: